
Cecenia: migliaia di baci gay sui social per chiedere l’intervento russo

Per partecipare alla campagna globale bisogna taggare la location del Cremlino a Mosca.

Cecenia: migliaia di baci gay sui social per chiedere l'intervento russo - baci -
2 min. di lettura

Si alzano le voci di protesta contro le persecuzioni ai danni di persone omosessuali in Cecenia. Una protesta che, però, in questo caso, fa rima con amore.

Migliaia di coppie gay (e non) stanno infatti postando i loro baci sui social con un hashtag che prende progressivamente piede: #kiss4lgbtqrights è partito dal Brasile ma ha subito varcato i confini nazionali per raggiungere ogni parte (o quasi) del mondo.

I dedicate this picture to all those who were hurt, silenced, mistreated, hunted, tortured, martyred, caged, judged, minimized, wronged, humiliated even killed because of the fact that the way they loved was misunderstood. I dedicate this to those who could not assume their love because they never had any support. I dedicate to those who fight everyday to have a fair place in society. I dedicate to all of those who needed to run away, needed to say goodbye forever for their parents, to those who were afraid or ashamed because of the way they love. For those who did not have choice to explain themselves cuz people would never accept. To those who all time explained that they did never choose who they love and people never understood. To those who cried alone, who had no support for being minority. For all those who had no more power to fight or power to express their proud. All those who risk themselves because of love. All those who needed to hide them whole life… all those who had a entire life as a forced secret not because of option. It was needed. All those who left in the darkness and silence of the night to meet someone who they love. To all those who were afraid to go out dressed with different clothes. All those who wanted to put make up on but didn’t not because would not be accepted.. All those who could not express their feelings. All those who fight till the end in the name of love. I dedicate for all those who kept loving even if it’s so hard sometimes. All those who believed that as long as there is love there is hope. Love is beautiful. It can not be interrupted by hate. Love always wins and it will always win all the battles. It must be respected, honored, blessed, protected and sacred. Let’s spread love not hate. Love is good and world is mad.. lets fight for love. To finish this text and speech I would like to ask from the deepest part of my heart LET LOVE BE. People don’t feel guilty because of you love. <3 #gayrightsmatter #kiss4lgbtqrights #LoveConquersHate

Un post condiviso da João Paulo Vieira Borges (@jopaborges) in data:

Le regole per partecipare sono poche e semplici: “Bacia qualcuno che ami, scatta la tua foto, postala pubblicamente su Instagram o Facebook usando l’hashtag #kiss4lgbtqrights e tagga la location del Cremlino in Russia, a Mosca. Mandiamo un messaggio direttamente a Putin.

D A Y 2 4 5 | Problemas locais, movimentos globais! #KISS4LGBTQRIGHTS #TBT

Un post condiviso da Bruno Host (@brunohost) in data: è anche su Whatsapp. Clicca qui per unirti alla community ed essere sempre aggiornato.

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Giovanni Di Colere 14.5.17 - 7:10

E' già la terza o quarta notizia del sito sulla Cecenia. Continuo a pensare che le stesse cose avvengono da anni e anni in Palestina per opera dell'autorità e delle famiglie: come mai non c'è un martellamento su questo?


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